Friday, January 15, 2010

A gift

This is a belated birthday gift for Faeldray at Petaholics Anonymous, who it has been my very great privilege to know and call friend. Qouth Wowwiki:

"A lok'vadnod is a prestigious song composed for a specific individual. It is commonly seen as the greatest honor the orcs can grant to an individual."

While usually the subject of a lok'vadnod is dead, Niqora's still very much alive. Happy Birthday!

Lok’vadnod for Niqora Wildstride

Harken, spirits, and heed my calling

That I may speak with sageful truth

Of the tranquil towering hunter

Of the mighty Wildstride

Born to warring plains and peoples

‘Twixt hateful hooves and twisting thorns

Dwelled her kind in cruel-edged battle

Dwelled the staid Shu’halo

In bitter strife did Wildstride strengthen

Sharp of wit and bright of soul

With her aim she warded elders

With the land she made her bond

Battered from the battles many

Bleeding stood the Shu’halo

Defiant through their doomed resistance

Defiant through their people’s night

Roamed Wildstride the barren badlands

Seeking shelter for her tribe

Ever stalking safer havens

Ever charting unknown lands

And as the Horde made hasty landfall

Wildstride wandered wide and long

To the woodland deep and looming

To the depths of Feralas

There, beneath the boughs of emerald

Found Wildstride a wolf of worth

Her hide of sable hue and luster

Her eyes of brilliant topaz gleam

Patient as the peaks above her

Stalked the woods did Wildstride

With skillful eyes she tracked the wolfling

With silent stillness she bode her time

And as the wolf loped lightly near her

Near the trap the tauren set

Readied her the rhyme of ancients

Readied her to sinter souls

Whispering her heart-wish swiftly

Before the snared and snarling wolf

Niqora formed her fastest friendship

Niqora to the beast was bound

Through slogging moor and icy mountain

Wandered Wildstride again

Always seeking, ever finding

Always Blacky by her side

Across the Plagueland’s fallow fields

And through the burning Blackrock mount

There was no shoreline shunned to travel

There was no stranger she’d not aid

With canny aim and cunning prowess

They ranged to regions strange and far

None may know their deeds for number

None could call their quests in vain

And as the Horde in heated battle

Sounded summons to the fray

Ready with her wolf she answered

Ready Wildstride marched to war

Amidst the spilling soldier’s lifeblood

Skirmished swiftly Wildstride

Gentle as she mapped and scouted

Gentle as she slew her foes

Never born to blood or thunder

Still Niqora knew their ways

Without fear she served her Chieftain

Without rage she earned her due

On her war-wolf swiftly riding

With her heart-bound at her side

Feared she made her name amongst them

Feared is Wildstride by our foes

And when honor’s hold was loosened

To savage southern dusts she strode

Seeking once more sights of wonder

Seeking secrets long unheard

In the bleached and bone-strewn desert

Stirred a strange forgotten foe

Driven by the voice of madness

Driven by the Old God’s gaze

Countless came the might of mortals

To face the fearsome threat again

Many stood and fought with fury

Many died to breach the gates

Yet Wildstride would not be among them

And though the thought was naught but desperate

Went she with the band of heroes

Went she to the Old God’s lair

None know aught of all they found there

Or of the wrathful ruin wrought

By the forty fearless mortals

By those who dared defy a god

Thought the toll was cruel and costly

Stood she with those who survived

Bow your heads and give her honor

Bow to Niqora, Old God’s Bane

Not content with quiet respite

Again she dared walk distant lands

Wandered with her wolf and weapons

Wandered to a broken world

Onward through the Outland wastelands

Wildstride wandered, Blacky near

‘Cross the crumbling crust of Hellfire

‘Cross the lakes of Zangarmarsh

Through Terokkar’s tainted woodlands

Across the nascent Netherstorm

Niqora ranged with green eyes watching

Niqora to the Mag’har came

On the gale-swept ground she battled

In service to our long-sought kin

Ogre’s blood she spilled in rivers

Ogre’s fear Nagrand now knows

With honor over those in waiting

Wildstride went to serve again

To the place we formed our folly

To the blackened Shadowmoon

Through the damned of Draenor’s darkness

Niqora watched and warred and won

Stood she at the black-built temple

Stood she at the Warden’s side

Amongst the needles born of nether

Those of shackled scales she found

Abandoned by black-hearted breeders

Abandoned once, but now no more

Disdaining doomed assault and slaughter

With beguiling guise she crept

Among the slavers, sly and slinking

Among their victims, breaking bonds

And with her cunning, canny luring

A sentry’s knell Niqora knew

Free was sable-scaled Saraku

Free again to aid his kind

Made them masquerade together

Foiling fel-orcs from within

Standing steady near the slavers

Standing, soon to pounce and strike

At last, the long deception dwindled

Before Betrayer’s blinded eyes
Away they fled on flows of nether

Away, in friendship forged of flame

And through her deeds so wide and wondrous

Her chieftain’s heart had with hers held

Together with her mighty Mysthowl

Together in bliss they would dwell

Yet peace was sparse and soon abated

As the Lich-King’s languor fled

Again with gun and gentle grimness

Again went Wildstride to the fray

To Northrend went Niqora freely

Not for only honor’s sake

Fought she for the fates of many

Fought the fallen, for their souls

At Angrathar she marched with honor

With the vanguard’s vengeful charge

Watched her Saurfang’s final challenge

Watched her Putress betray us all

And when the Warchief, ever watchful

With Sylvanus purged the halls

Niqora with the Kor’kron sallied

Niqora close beside them fought

Always seeking strange new visions

Through northern wilds Niqora strode

Finding friends to aid in battle

Finding sights of beauty deep

And when her clan with calm-set faces

Marched to slay the Lich-King’s pawn

With them Wildstride was stalking

With her, they felled dark Kel’thuzad

Bathed in honor bright and shining

She was granted duty great

Ambassador, of all our peoples

Ambassador to the Crusade’s call

Rose Wildstride through all aspiring

Skilled with lance and shield and bow

Until the Crusade called her sister

Until a Champion she was named

Now new terror haunts the northlands

Sibling spawn of dread C’thun

Dauntless, Wildstride advances

Dauntless delves to Ulduar

Hunts she now the ancient evil

Leading those who call her friend

Seeking through the Titan’s prison

Seeking dreadful Yogg-Saron

All who call her captain honor

Brave and valiant Wildstride

Always with her black-furred packmate

Always patient, always strong

Harken, spirits, and heed my calling

That I may swear with solemn vows

Of the truth of all I’ve spoken

Of the tale of Wildstride

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