Friday, October 16, 2009

A Beginning

So a friend has been bugging me to start a blog of late. I'm not entirely sure the content I'll be running, but I suppose an excuse to exercise some creativity is a good one. Particularly given the dearth of things to do at the moment...

In any event, I'm going to be posting random stories relating to my World of Warcraft characters, perhaps some short fiction on other subjects, and some completely random rants as the mood strikes me. Don't bother expecting any continuous threads or anything, and posting is likely to be infrequent.

With that said, thanks for reading! I'll try not to disappoint.


1 comment:

  1. Me, bug you? Wherever did you get such an outlandish idea?

    If you write what you want to write and you enjoy doing it, then I will be happy with anything you post.

    BTW, welcome to the blogosphere Kazi. :)
