Kazimierz has liberated the Netherwing Flight at long last!
I first started the Netherwing chain during the end of Burning Crusade-I was mostly just trying to raise some money. I wiped repeatedly on the Zuluhed the Whacked quest (and really, what kind of surname is The Whacked? That always bothered me...) and so I left it alone for a while...until I got invited to a group for it, and found that if you stand inside the building, the archers can't shoot you! Novel concept, to be sure. After that, I decided to shoot for the drake. I got a fair ways in..Honored, I believe, and then the twin forces of an upcoming expansion and total boredom with the terribly grindy quests (40 ore? 30 crystals from kills? Ugh!) conspired to stop my progress dead.
It was after I had hit 80 and began looking for things to do (since this was still sometime before I had figured out how awesome the people at Bloodriver were) that I decided to try again-there were no mounts in Northrend that both looked as good as the netherwing drake and I thought I had the remotest shot at (Twilight Drake, I'm looking at you). This time I hit revered before stopping, as I started doing heroics and beginning to raid semi-regularly. RL also got a little more hectic, so I stopped having quite as much time alone while I was logged in. The last nail in the coffin was my acquisition of the Engineering profession, whose flying mount I thought would be the last one I desired.
Finally, I decided that enough was enough with the procrastinating, in no small part because of Niqora's excellent post on the acquisition of her own drake (and later paladin alt, but that's not my story to tell). So the last week, I've been doing the dailies, hunting the eggs, and failing again and again at the flying races. I never did end up beating Mulveric, but I finally got to finish the job I started so long ago.
So say hi to Karyus, Kazi's constant companion throughout the wilds of Outlands, Northrend, and whenever I get to fly in Azeroth proper. :)
I love the name! And I love that you chose the black one, it's the best looking one in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteI wanted a netherdrake so badly as soon as I saw one (I don't know what's with me and dragons) so I guess it's not really surprising that Saraku developed into his own character. A conversation between him and Karyus would be very interesting I think. ;)
Congrats on the drake!
ReplyDeleteI suppose I really ought to quit procrastinating and finish off my own toons' rep grinds. :P
Thanks, Sarai. If you're doing the netherwing grind, it's best to be patient-just do the dailies, and look for eggs if you get antsy. A couple of spot that aren't often farmed are actually away from the main netherwing island-they're in the Dragonmaw fortress on the mainland. One in the little whelpling pen, and another on a tower-see them quite frequently there.
ReplyDeleteBest of luck!