Monday, November 9, 2009

Short Post (OOC)

So I'm too tired to go on tonight, and I've got a job opportunity to go after in the morning, so...looks like tonight I come up short. Gotta make that up tomorrow or Tuesday, I suppose.

Also, you can blame Naxx and leveling Basia's tradeskills for most of this. But we cleared all of Naxx tonight and Basia is now 300 tailoring/300 enchanting, so it's not a total wash.

Extra story posts tomorrow to make up for this. :P


  1. And maybe we shouldn't have spent so much time leveling, even if we did make it to level 60 just before the raid. :P

    At least you got some sleep, and extra posts are always welcome. :)

    Here's to hoping the job works out for you!

  2. Thanks. ;)
    Heheh, still wouldn't have traded away the time with you. Just had to wake up sometime approximating civilized hours the next morning, and that kind of cut into my normal writing time. :P
